Auditing & Assurance
Audit is about much more than just numbers. It’s about attesting to accomplishments and challenges and helping to assure strong foundations for future aspirations. SCK illuminates the what, how, and why of the business, so you’re always ready to act ahead.
Audits and audit quality are vital for businesses today to evolve. In fact, audits give assurance over information used by the management, investors and the capital markets. It requires continuous monitoring of regulations and is grounded by risk-based methodology and workflows.

What we help you with?
We at SCK, approach your Audit with a deep understanding of your business, the industry in which you operate, the risks your business faces and the latest regulatory standards.
Our team ensure(s) that highest standards of quality are met at all times, no matter which Industry you belong to.
We use agile auditing techniques to ensure audits happen at high speeds so the management can always take the right business decisions grounded by data.
We also advise businesses based on insights drawn from these financial audits. Our expert panel has years of experience helping businesses take the right financial decisions.

How we reduce the burden on your team?
Given the technologies available today, your people should spend less time supporting the needs of your audit. Using our audit workflows, we reduce your administrative burden, prevent surprises, focus on audit quality, and deliver greater value by becoming increasingly adaptive and agile through transparency and with smart automation. We make it happen in a few ways.

Hosting a comprehensive planning process & transition workshop.
This helps us design a process that fits key issues and timing for your business, teams, and audit committees. We also use the transition workshop to help determine the mix of key personnel & technologies to deploy given the state of your company’s data, industry, and other regulatory factors.

Enabling visibility, transparency, and information sharing.
Using SCK-Connect, a digital portal, we share digital information with clients. This helps improve efficiency, communication, and precision of information through transparency of operations. It also aids decision-making by informing the right people of relevant details on time.

Being agile.
Our Audit process remains agile and is flexible to change and adapt to various business requirements. We can immediately scale the entire process using additional tools, launching sprints to resolve issues, develop and deploy new analytics, and process improvements for future audits based off our learnings working with you.
We at SCK, have a dedicated team of highly experienced professionals who are experts in the field of Audit & Assurance. We cater to all types of auditing needs ranging across entire business spectrums. Our Audit & Assurance Vertical offers a wide range of services that are customized as per the varying needs of different industries and organizations. The wide variety of services that are offered by SCK under this vertical include:–